ACP Outreach Community & Engagement Subcommittee Meeting

DecDecember 14 2023

9:00am - 10:30am

The ACP (Affordable Connectivity Program) Outreach, Community, and Engagement Subcommittee meeting within our Solano Connected program serves a vital purpose in aligning with our mission and vision. As part of Tech Exchange’s commitment to bridging the digital divide in Solano County, this subcommittee focuses on outreach efforts, community engagement, and ensuring the success of our affordable connectivity program.

Our mission at Tech Exchange is to ensure that all families in Solano County have access to computers, internet connectivity, and essential technology skills. Through the Solano Connected initiative, we strive for digital equity by providing services and programs that empower individuals with these skills while ensuring equal access to internet services for all residents.

The ACP Outreach, Community, and Engagement Subcommittee plays a key role in achieving this mission by developing strategies for reaching out to underserved communities within Solano County. This includes identifying target populations who may benefit from the affordable connectivity program and implementing effective outreach initiatives to raise awareness about its availability.

Additionally, the subcommittee focuses on fostering community engagement by collaborating with local organizations, schools, community centers, and other stakeholders. By building partnerships and establishing strong relationships within the community through various events or initiatives related to digital inclusion efforts under the Solano Connected program umbrella.

Ultimately, through these outreach efforts and community engagement activities led by the ACP Outreach Community & Engagement Subcommittee meeting we aim not only eliminate barriers caused by limited access but also create an environment where every resident of Solano County can confidently navigate online education opportunities employment resources health services financial tools civic participation opportunities offered today’s interconnected world.

In summary, the ACP Outreach Community & Engagement Subcommittee meeting is dedicated towards expanding awareness about the affordable connectivity program among underserved communities while fostering meaningful partnerships within Solano County. By doing so we contribute towards creating a digitally proficient community where everyone has equal opportunities for success in today’s interconnected world


  • Focused on reaching out to underserved communities and raising awareness about the importance of digital equity. Organize community events, workshops and partnerships to engage with individuals and organizations interested in connecting underserved communities.
  • Leverage/form partnerships with ISP’s to provide discounted rates for low income residents in Solano County
  • Collaborate with local libraries, schools and other community based organizations to promote the Affordable Connectivity Program and connect low-income communities with affordable/free internet access
  • Organize quarterly ACP enrollment events throughout the community.

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