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70 Results Found

Contact Solano Connected through email or phone. Our team is ready to assist you with any technical issues or questions you may have.

Meet the Solano Connected Team - a group of dedicated professionals committed to providing excellent service and support.

Tech Exchange and Solano County are partnering together to create Solano Connected. Explore more about TechExchange and their work!

Assessibility statement.

Disclaimer This website translates English to another language using Google Translate. The tool is not perfect and the context of the text may not be taken into account during translation. As a result, the translation may lose some of its intended meaning. Some items on the site including images containing text, videos with captioning, PDF...

Answers to frequently asked questions.

Solano Connected, Tech Exchange, and Community Tech Network are collaborating to bridge the digital divide in Solano County. This partnership provides digital literacy in multiple languages, free tech support, free devices, and help finding low-cost broadband.

Looking for upcoming events in Solano County? Don't miss out on ACP enrollment, digital skill classes, and free tech support opportunities!

Stay informed on the latest news and updates with Solano Connected. Get the most up-to-date information that impacts the residents of Solano County.

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